
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Incorrect diagnosis


Dear friends!
The collection has been stopped because the funds raised are enough to purchase a Cochlear Nucleus implant.6.
Ostap’s parents turned to the German fund "Ein Herz fur Kinder" (Heart for Children), which agreed to help Ostap and transfer 8,000 euros to the account of the implant supplier company, provided that we transfer the remaining amount. In the near future, we will pay for the implant and deliver it to Ukraine. The operation will be conducted in Ukraine, at the Kolomiychenko Institute.

Panych Ostap needs a cochlear implant to hear.

Three-year-old Ostap was unsuccessfully treated by doctors for a year. The child underwent courses of drug stimulation of the brain, stimulating the nervous system and sometimes painful, took a huge number of drugs that, as it turned out, he did not need. And only recently the child was diagnosed with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees. It turned out that Ostap simply did not hear his parents and peers and therefore could not communicate with them! The child did not have any autism. Now he urgently needs surgery - and with the help of expensive cochlear implants to restore hearing.

In the center of early child development, which is full of three-year-olds, nimble Ostap scurries at cruising speed. His eyes shine brightly, and the toy dump truck that fell into his hands immediately turns into a loud "rattle" - the baby is happy to shake them, making a sharp and loud sound. Next to her, the teacher starts a dance lesson, the children clap their hands, dance, but Ostap does not break away from the toy. He doesn’t seem to care what happens around him.
A few months ago, parents intensively treated their child for autism. Their son was diagnosed with a psychiatrist after a seemingly thorough examination of the child. The boy did not respond to the name, did not comply with requests, did not speak. After reading all sorts of "horror stories" on the Internet, Larisa Panych, Ostap’s mother, was ready to do everything possible and impossible, just to return the child’s speech and give a chance to fully develop. The boy was given painful injections of cartoxin, given strong stimulant syrups, but drugs that are effective in treating autism in other children, in his case, were powerless. And it led to despair!

Panych Ostap is the only and long-awaited child in the family… Nikolai and Larisa dreamed of a son after the wedding, their wishes came true, and at first nothing foreshadowed trouble. But in the second half of the pregnancy, the doctors insisted on Larisa’s hospitalization, and in order to save the child, she went to the clinic, where she scrupulously followed the doctors’ instructions. - One day, it was in the seventh month of pregnancy, - says Larissa - the doctor did an ultrasound and began to print something quickly. I asked, "Is something wrong, bad?" And the doctor answered: "Well, maybe the child will live for 10 days and that’s it…", - so she said… I caught my breath, I barely reached my ward.

Soon Larisa underwent surgery, had a caesarean section, and Ostap was born. He was quite tiny - 1 kg 250 grams, but he looked chubby, like a normal newborn, and cried himself. The doctors did not find any serious pathologies and two months later they were ready to let the mother and child go home. But on the last day they decided to check his eyesight and it turned out that Ostap was progressing to retinopathy, threatening the child with blindness. They did the operation, and the baby began to see normally.
In the preterm infant ward, Larisa heard dozens of happy stories, saw how beautiful and smart children like Ostap, her children, grew up, and hoped for the best.

The boy did grow strong. Up to a year and eight months he developed normally, learned to crawl and walk in time, began to chatter, said "mom", could show where the nose, eyes: the child heard and gradually learned to speak. But already in a year and 10 months Ostap seemed to have stopped developing. - I ask: "Ostapchik, where is the gingerbread man?", And he looks at the book and shows nothing. He stopped responding to the name. I knew he was seven months old. That all seven-month-olds are lagging behind in development. But more and more often I turned to him, and he looked through me, as if he did not understand, as if he listened and did not hear, - recalls Larissa. At the age of two, the baby did not say anything, even the word "mother" disappeared. Concerned, Larissa went to the doctors.

At first, none of them shared her anxiety. They were comforted that Ostap was born small, and that the delay in speech development in this case is natural. The neurologist even told Larisa that she was to blame for everything - exaggerating the problem. And then, she decided to reconcile, thinking that she was probably overly worried. But time passed, and the child did not develop, and in Ostap’s card there were more and more verdicts of doctors: speech therapists, speech pathologists, who still assured the mother that it is worth waiting a little longer, and the child will speak. Finally, the psychiatrist Larisa consulted tested the child and diagnosed him with alalia ( similar to autism).), that is, the lack of speech associated with brain damage, after which it was time for a long - almost a year - intensive treatment in his native Kherson, and then in the capital’s clinics.

"I wanted to get him out of this state." We worked with a speech pathologist on the autism program, and how many syrups we drank to stimulate the brain, the drugs are very strong, and the benefits of them - zero. Whatever we did, it seemed like we were standing still, ”Larisa recalls.

One day Larissa said to her husband: maybe our Ostap can’t hear? She spoke out of desperation, not seriously. Nikolai immediately replied: no problem, we will put him a hearing aid, and he will hear! After all the diagnoses, the hearing problem seemed small to him…
Larissa took the child and went with him to Odessa - to the center of hearing and speech. They spent almost three hours there with the baby, striking the local doctors with a bunch of their diagnoses. In one of the offices, the doctor dressed Ostap with very loud sound devices - the boy heard the signal, and for the first time in the last year reacted to it. It turned out that Ostap could hardly hear.
The boy had been repeatedly examined by deaf and dumb, had his hearing examined four or five times a year, and each time it was written on the card - "age norm". With this response, Larissa continued to treat the child. But the withdrawal of Odessa doctors struck my mother. Larisa was then told: “4-5 degree of deafness is the threshold of deafness. Hearing aids will not help the child, you need to do surgery, implant a cochlear implant.

It was a shock for Ostap’s parents!

They lost so much time! They wanted to get their son out of his condition, but it turned out that they had been treating the child to his detriment for a whole year.

Larissa says she feels guilty about her son, but does not blame the doctors for their negligence. Do not change the past, you need to strive to restore hearing, make a cochlear implant recommended by doctors, which, alas, is prohibitively expensive. However, only this operation will return the child to normal hearing and allow him to give a healthy and happy future.

Then Ostap will hear his mother’s heart beating and his father reading him fairy tales in a quiet voice. Then Ostap will easily distinguish the whisper of his mother’s kiss and will be able to clearly say in response: "Good night, mom."

Author Nina Filatova
Photo from the personal archive of the family

Professor, MD Mehmet Ziya Ozier, Asibadem Clinic (Turkey ): “Ostap has fourth-degree sensorineural hearing loss and requires cochlear implantation. The boy will hear well, learn to speak. He will later be able to go to a regular school. But, Ostap’s age is critical for cochlear implantation, if you do not do the operation now, then it will be too late.

The Turkish clinic Asibadem issued an invoice for $ 20,000 . This is UAH 546,000 . Ostap ’s relatives do not have such money .

Dear friends! If you decide to save Ostap Panych, don’t be embarrassed by the price of saving. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Fund. All the necessary details are in the fund. You can also use our electronic payment system by making a donation with a credit card or electronic cash, including from abroad.

Responded (took details): 1047 people Helped
: 1047 people
Collected: 220 000 UAH

Ostap Panych successfully completed cochlear implantation at the Kolomiichenko Institute of Otolaryngology (Kiev).A cochlear implant (Cochlear Nucleus 6) was implanted in the boy’s left ear, a device that receives and recognizes electromagnetic signals from an externally mounted speech processor. The operation was successful. All sensors gave positive "feedback". In two weeks the implant will be connected. Thanks to this operation, Ostap compensates for his hearing loss. Now the boy will do a lot and learn to hear, speak, be able to develop and communicate.
Ostap’s relatives sincerely thank all those who responded for their help!
Accept our gratitude friends! We will continue to monitor the fate of the boy.