
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴



Almost 4,000 newborns are diagnosed with heart disease in Ukraine every year. Most of these children need urgent treatment. This is not a gloomy forecast, this is a common statistic. Can many be helped? Here the opinions of cardiologist surgeons differ. Some say: almost everyone. Others: most. And here it does not matter what view we take. Each of them is a strong incentive to help. The Ufond.Serce program, launched in 2010, may be addressi...
The Ufond.Diabet program started in 2011. Our readers pay for equipment that is not subject to state quotas. We help buy insulin dosing pumps and consumables. Ufond’s partner is the endocrinology department of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital OKHMATDIT. The number of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes is increasing by about 15 percent annually. Diabetes is a terrible complication that it causes. The risk of coronary h...
Cerebral palsy
Among the many unresolved issues in the medical field of Ukraine today, one of the most acute problems is the problem of treatment and rehabilitation of children with organic lesions of the central nervous system. The level of such diseases is growing all over the world, and our country is no exception. The socio-economic situation in Ukraine and environmental factors also played a role in this negative process. All this could not but affec...
This is a program to help children with complex pathologies, especially congenital, such as vascular malformation of the face, such a violation of blood vessels is also called "wine" spot. One in three newborns is born with this condition. "Wine" spots are often located on the face or neck, they themselves do not pass, then only increase in size, they need to be removed. The presence of the stain threatens not only the medical consequences,...
According to statistics, about 1 percent of the population suffers from spinal deformities (scoliosis). In the early stages of the disease can be treated with conservative treatment: massage, swimming, therapeutic gymnastics, correction with special corsets. But every tenth patient with scoliosis of 3-4 degrees needs surgical treatment. And here’s the thing: if these people do not receive surgical treatment, they become hunchbacked, with a ...
Imperfect osteogenesis is a genetic disease characterized by increased bone fragility. With congenital imperfect osteogenesis, the child is born with fractures or receives during childbirth. Other types of disease are characterized by frequent bone fractures in the first years of life. Children with this pathology are often called "glass" or "crystal". The Ufond.Perelom program for children with imperfect osteogenesis was launched in Ufond ...
Deafness is a persistent hearing loss that complicates the perception of sounds and leads to impaired speech development. Deafness can be acquired due to diseases of the ear and nasopharynx or congenital. For the normal development and adaptation in society, such a child must be examined in time, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment, competent selection of hearing aids or the subsequent installation of a special hearing implant. ...
Doctors of specialized medical centers, institutes, clinics, departments help children fight cancer - one of the most serious human diseases. Rather, with many diseases that we are accustomed to combine with the word "cancer". These are oncological and oncohematological diseases. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the treatment of such children. However, malignant neoplasms remain the second most common cause of death in...
Orphan diseases
Rare diseases (orphan diseases) - diseases that affect a small part of the population. State support is usually needed to stimulate their research and develop drugs. Many rare diseases are genetic, and therefore accompany a person throughout life, even if the symptoms do not appear immediately. Many rare diseases occur in childhood, and about 30% of children with rare diseases do not live to 5 years. There is no single level of prevalence i...