
2024 year: 2 000 297 ₴
13 years: 58 336 140 ₴

A metal flower for Eva

COLLECTED 180 000 UAH. The "Bonum Ukraine" charity fund and the readers of the Ufond collected 180 000 UAH. The surgery is scheduled for September.

The amount that needs to be collected for a metal implant for Eva Nomerovska is UAH 180 000.

Eva, a 14-year-old girl from Kharkiv, needs urgent spine surgery. While the family was hiding in a bomb shelter and living in an evacuation, the child’s illness progressed significantly. Each contribution that brings the girl closer to her desired recovery is important.

Small, fragile, smiling, sunny - this is how friends and neighbors know and love Eva Nomerovska. And when they walk along the boulevard with their mother, they are often given roses, because everyone knows how Eva adores them. A flower in a vase brings a drop of beauty and happiness into her world.

During her short life - the girl was 14 years old - she endured so much that even an adult person cannot endure. Ever since she was a child, Eva has been struggling with an insidious, constantly progressing disease - scoliosis.
Over the years, the child’s spine bends more and more to the side, now the hump is already growing, and the internal organs are dangerously compressed. The girl’s left lung is compressed so much that from time to time it becomes difficult for her to breathe, and the heart feels an excessive load - this was recently shown by an ultrasound examination.

But Eva never complains. As a child with autism, she keeps everything to herself because she cannot describe her feelings in words and convey her pain. Recently, doctors prescribed a plastic corset for the girl. It is hard and rubs the skin hard, but until now doctors do not see another, more gentle way to at least partially slow down the destructive process of spine tilt.

The operation to install titanium implants will help straighten the back and relieve the child of pain. All specialists without exception confirm that there is no other way out for Eva. It is the operation that will once and for all straighten the back and relieve internal organs, allowing them to function normally.

The last two years were critical for Eva: a full-scale war completely changed the life of the family. While they were hiding in the bomb shelter under the school and leaving for evacuation, any serious treatment was out of the question.
The family lives in Kharkiv and was forced to hide in a bunker in the first days of the war. When they gathered the most necessary things and ran to the dungeon - they thought they would be there only a few days - it turned out that they lived for three long months. And then they were forced to evacuate to Ivano-Frankivsk.

Eva, as a child with autism, had an extremely difficult time adapting to new circumstances, in a strange place she was always asking to go home, because she was looking for protection in her native walls.
The family finally returned to Kharkiv, but the postponement of treatment during the war severely affected the girl’s health, and now, the family has no other option but to agree to the operation.

There will not be enough money to pay for surgery either. Eva’s father volunteered for the National Guard. Mom - 24 hours a day is next to Eva, works part-time in the boarding school where the girl studies. There they also volunteer together - they weave camouflage nets for the front, which are then transferred to Donetsk.

Eva’s family cannot cope with the huge costs of the operation on their own. Only 180 000 UAH are needed to purchase titanium implants. And there are additional costs for rehabilitation - this is a catastrophically large amount!
If you can help save the child, allow her to breathe freely and move without feeling pain - make your contribution to Eva’s recovery. The family will be infinitely grateful!

Photo from the family’s personal archive
The author
is Nina Filatova

Dmytro Petrenko, Head of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of the Rudnev Mother and Child Center (Dnipro): «Eva has 4th degree idiopathic right thoracolumbar scoliosis. Recently, the girl’s condition has worsened, the deformation of the spine is progressing, pain in the chest and back has increased, and shortness of breath is increasing. Over time, cardiopulmonary failure will progress. It is necessary to urgently carry out surgical treatment of the girl with the use of a metal structure-implant. This method is the most suitable for correcting scoliosis. After a period of rehabilitation and adaptation, Eva will be able to live a full life, forgetting about her illness».

The supplier of the metal structure-implant issued an invoice for 180 000 UAH.

Dear friends! If you decide to help Eva Nomerovska, don’t be confused by the price of rescue. Any donation from you will be gratefully received. You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Ufund. All the necessary details are available in the fund and on the website. You can use our electronic payment system, make a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad using PayPal:ufondhelp@gmail.com. Also, transfer help to Eva using the peering payment system by transferring bitcoins to the Fund’s wallet: 1UFondJDKbYMgVhWsyijyvJoWEGWPggNp.