
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Artem Parheta

COLLECTED UAH 101,864. The Simple Help Foundation , Privatbank clients and Ufond readers raised UAH 101,864. OPERATED.

Artem is very happy in our family. A son was born without any deviations, he grew and developed like all children according to his age. From the age of 4 Artemka has been dancing and has already achieved high results! From birth, we knew that my son had heart murmurs. The first ultrasound revealed Artem - an open oval window and a defect of the atrial septum. The doctors gave us an observation and gave us little hope that the holes in the hearts could close on their own. But the miracle did not happen. After the last ultrasound, we learned that the open oval window tightened itself, but the hole in the atrial septum increased from 3 mm to 7 mm. Now, cardiologists at the Institute. MM Amosov is strongly recommended to perform endovascular surgery to close the defect with an occluder. This is the safest operation for a child, it is free, but the occluder, we have to pay for it ourselves. And it, as it turned out, for our family, as well as for many families who found themselves in such a situation - expensive, more than 100 thousand hryvnia. My and my husband’s salary is enough only for what is necessary for life, our family will not be able to save or collect it in any way. Please help!Elena Parkheta, Cherkasy
Head of the Department of Endovascular Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Diseases of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after NM Amosova Igor Ditkovsky (Kiev): "To avoid the progression of complications, Artem needs surgery - closing the defect endovascularly with an occluder. After the operation, the boy will recover quickly and return to active life and sports. "

The occluder supplier issued an invoice for UAH 101,864.

Dear friends! If you decide to help Artem Parhet, do not be confused by the price of salvation. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. All the necessary details are in the Fund. You can use our electronic payment system, made a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad, as well as take part in the action - Fill your heart with life! "

Responded (took details): 25 people Helped
: 25 people
Collected: 101 864 UAH

12 . 0 9 .201 8 Artem Parhet
successfully underwent surgery at the NM Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery (Kiev). "Nothing threatens. He feels well. On the second day after the operation, Artem was discharged home."
Artem’s relatives thank the Simple Help Foundation , Privatbank’s clients and Ufond’s readers for their help. Accept our gratitude friends! We will definitely follow the fate of the boy.