
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Bohdan Lavsky

BEGINNING of course treatment - September 2016. Course treatment passed.

The son lagged behind in development, did not even try to sit down for six months. The pediatrician reassured us: it’s okay, it happens, and prescribed a massage. But there was no improvement in Bogdan’s condition. We took our son for an examination to Kyiv, to the Okhmatdet Hospital, where he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Since then, our struggle with a serious illness has begun. We regularly take Bogdan to various rehabilitation centers. Significant improvements occurred after a course of treatment at the International Clinic in Truskavets. Bogdan began to crawl on all fours, sitting and standing at the support. Doctors say that his son has good prospects, he will be able to walk on his own. It is only necessary to continue therapy. But at the expense of the state budget treatment in this clinic is not paid. And we have no money left, everything was spent on previous courses. We ask you for help! Marina Lavskaya, Kiev region
Vladimir Kozyavkin, Director of the International Rehabilitation Clinic (Truskavets): “Bogdan needs to continue his treatment. We will teach the boy to sit and stand without support, and to walk - first with support, and then - on their own.