
2024 year: 2 000 297 ₴
13 years: 58 336 140 ₴

Darya Katerynych

Yet to raise
146 926грн
Virtual bar "Uncle Alik" contributed UAH 3900.

Dasha is our only child. The daughter was born a healthy child, and is growing up as an active girl who is fond of dancing, with the dream of becoming a dance coach in the future. My daughter never complained about any heart problems.
Last year, on the advice of our pediatrician, we did an ultrasound of the heart, after which the doctors discovered a congenital heart defect in our daughter - a secondary defect of the atrial septum. The established diagnosis simply shocked us. We were advised to turn to the Amosov Institute, where Dasha was immediately scheduled for surgery: closure of the heart defect by the endovascular method with the help of an occluder. Such an operation should be performed as early as possible, and due to the increase in the size of the hole, as soon as possible. If the hole is not closed now, in the future, this ailment can lead to undesirable consequences: a reduction in the duration and quality of life, other accompanying health problems associated with this heart defect. After the operation, doctors predict a full recovery. However, the cost of the necessary occluder is too high for our family. Therefore, we are forced to turn to caring people for help. Please help our daughter to have a healthy heart and do what she loves. Olga Katerynych, Cherkasy.
Head of the Department of Endovascular Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Defects of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N.M. Amosova Ihor Ditkovskiy (Kyiv): «During the examination, the child was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect - an atrial septal defect. There is already an increase in the hole and the load on the left side of the heart. According to absolute indicators, endovascular closure of the defect with an occluder is recommended. This is a gentle intervention, after which the child will quickly recover and will develop normally and do his favorite thing».

The occlude supplier issued an invoice for UAH 151 426.

Dear friends! If you decide to help
Darya Katerynych, don’t be confused by the price of rescue. Any donation from you will be gratefully received. You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Ufund. All the necessary details are available in the fund and on the website. You can use our electronic payment system, make a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad using PayPal: ufondhelp@gmail.com. Also, transfer help to Darya’s using the peering payment system by transferring bitcoins to the Fund’s wallet: 1UFondJDKbYMgVhWsyijyvJoWEGWPggNp.