
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Decibels of silence

UAH 486,000 COLLECTED. Hospitalization in late July. THE OPERATION IS PERFORMED.

Artem Tashmatov needs cochlear implants to hear.

The boy is a year and a half old, and he still doesn’t speak. He is deaf from birth. He has fourth-degree deafness. Even with a hearing aid, the boy prefers not to focus on hearing and trusts gestures more. Theoretically, the state promises free cochlear implantation to all deaf children free of charge. The queue is almost infinitely long, and the time allotted to the child to learn to speak is inexorably passing away. At the last examination, Artem was placed 348th in the queue, which for him will last indefinitely, dragging in silence.

We walk in a small square near the Institute of Otolaryngology named after Professor Kolomiychenko, in Kiev. It is here that Artem is registered and 348th in line for a free implant. I’m trying to ask Artem what his name is, how old he is. But no matter how hard he tried, all in vain, Artem does not hear.

In the middle of the square is a white birch. Around it is grass and paved paths. Handing a tube of antiseptic to his mother, this is his favorite toy, Artem runs awkwardly on the grass, and his mother and I stand aside and talk.

Lina, mother
Artem, tells me what it takes for cochlear implantation to be successful. One of the most important things is regular activities with the child. So, my mother is constantly engaged with Artem. We signed up for a speech therapist, speech pathologist. The child learns to distinguish the voices of the accordion and the drum. And with Artem the grandmother is engaged - by means of games and simple tasks she achieves from the kid pronunciation of sounds.

All native Artemki, hope that cochlear implantation will be made, and the boy will be able to hear. The state puts only children under three in line for free implantation. By the time it’s time, the children are five, and no one is giving them cochlear implants. And then it’s too late.

Meanwhile, Artem clumsily runs across the grass around the birch. And mom and grandma, from time to time he shouts:

- Artem, be careful! Artem, you will fall like that, there is a pit!

But the boy hears nothing. I think: what is it like to live your whole childhood without parental cries?

When Artem needs something, he climbs into his mother’s arms, laughs and tries to shout. Short shouts:

- Ah! AND! AND! AND! AND! - while the boy slowly twists in his mother’s arms and looks out at us.

- Artemka, we are here! - My grandmother and I wave our hands.

- Artem shouts A! AND! AND! - and laughs.

Artem’s parents say that their son makes sounds only when he is in a good mood.

" He doesn’t cry at all." Only he can laugh out loud. He can laugh and call for "help", - Lina shares.

The boy is not yet able to imagine that sound can be used to express any emotions other than negative ones. Most likely, he does not really understand what sound is and how sound differs from silence.

At every free moment of Artem’s parents blow together with Artem on cotton wool. This is such a pedagogical game. Vatka flies away, the boy is having fun, but if you can blow with the sound, then Artem is praised and stroked on the head.

The doctor says that Artemka is still too young to suffer from her deafness. He still doesn’t understand what all the other people are hearing. And he doesn’t understand what all people say, and he can’t speak because he has never heard it done. The boy perceives Artem’s hearing aid, which his mother puts on in the morning when he gets out of bed, as an interesting game, as other children play, for example, with a stethoscope. In the hearing aid, the boy can barely hear quiet and very unintelligible sounds, ten percent of what ordinary people hear.
And he risks becoming dumb if he doesn’t have a cochlear implant in the near future. Cochlear implants restore hearing. Hearing aids are only partially prosthetic. Even the best hearing aids distort the sound so that you can’t learn to speak except in a surrogate, metallic, "deaf-mute" voice. And still devices squeak when the child jumps and stands on a head. Therefore, children do not like hearing aids.

I have a ballpoint pen drawing in my notebook. Artem drew some funny doodles for me, and wrote something incomprehensible from above. Surprisingly, a child who can’t say a word can’t hear you, yet he can draw something that will stay in my memory for a long time.

When I leave, Artem sees me off, smiles. And he waves something at me.

- How do you understand?

And then it comes to me that you need to forget about sadness. You should throw away the sad expression on your face. A deaf boy doesn’t need to see sympathy on my face at all. He needs me to play with him and have fun.

And he needs cochlear implants.

I make an effort to smile, and seeing a smile on my face, Artem nods to me.

Until he speaks and hears. But when he has a cochlear implant, he will be able to tell me:

- Hello, my name is Artem!

Author Roman Betsenko
Photo Anna Zagorskaya

Professor, MD Mehmet Zia Ozier, Clinic A with ibadem (Turkey): «Artem is almost completely deaf, but right now he has a very high chance of gaining hearing and speech with the help of cochlear implantation. If the operation is performed in the near future, the baby will quickly gain vocabulary, and "normal development is guaranteed." As the European practice of such implants shows, such operations are most effective at the tenderest age. In addition, the child has wonderful parents who spend a lot of time with Artem, and this is the best guarantee of social rehabilitation for such patients . "

Turkish clinic A with ibadem issued an invoice for UAH 486,000. If you buy a Medel implant from a supplier in Ukraine, it will cost $ 30,000. Network of clinics A with ibadem

has billed us, for the same implant, $ 18,000, and guarantees free surgery and twelve days of rehabilitation. And still the price, to say the least, is serious.

Dear friends! If you decide to save Artem Tashmatov, do not be confused by the price of rescue. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. All the necessary details are in the Fund. You can also use our electronic payment system by making a donation with a credit card or electronic cash, including from abroad.

Responded (took the details): 65 people Helped
: 65 people
Collected: UAH 486,000

Artem Tashmatov underwent cochlear implantation at Asibadem Bodrum Clinic (Turkey).
A cochlear implant was implanted in the boy’s right ear, a device that receives and recognizes electromagnetic signals from a speech processor attached to the outside. The operation was successful. Specialists use all the possibilities of the implant, but so that Artem’s body gradually gets used to the new sound sensations. Now Artem will learn to hear, speak, be able to develop and communicate. In twelve days the boy will have his surgical sutures removed and he and his mother and grandmother will go home.