
2024 year: 2 122 767 ₴
13 years: 58 458 610 ₴

Eva Taranushenko

32,100 hryvnias were collected. The company "Fora" , "Yagotynske for children" and Ufond readers raised 32,100 hryvnias. OPERATED.

At the age of eight months, during a routine examination, the pediatrician heard noises in Eva’s heart, and immediately sent for a full examination at the Institute. NM Amosov. The results of the survey shocked us. Eve was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect - an open arterial duct. Specialists of the Institute have appointed observations - there may be a positive trend towards the closure / overgrowth of the strait. After some time, we came for a re-diagnosis in the hope that everything will pass by itself, but, unfortunately, this did not happen. Now you need surgery. It can be performed in a gentle, endovascular way, using an occluder-spiral - a special "patch". The operation itself will be free, but you have to pay for the device itself. And we do not have such an opportunity. I am on maternity leave, my husband’s salary is enough for the most necessary things for life. We ask for your help!Taranushenko Anna, Kyiv.
Head of the Department of Endovascular Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Defects of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after MM Amosova Ihor Ditkovsky (Kyiv): “Eva has a congenital heart defect. Given the topic of the defect and the general condition of the girl, she needs to perform endovascular closure of the open ductus arteriosus with a special spiral - an occluder. This will stop the development of dangerous complications. The girl will be healthy. "

The supplier of the occluder-spiral issued a bill for 32,100 hryvnias.

Dear friends! If you decide to help Eva Taranushenko, don’t be embarrassed by the price of salvation. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. All the necessary details are in the Fund. Money can be transferred by sendingSMS with the word GOOD to the number ####. The cost of SMS messages is 9 hryvnias. You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Fund. All the necessary details are in the fund and on the website. You can use our electronic payment system by making a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad.

Responded (took the details): 3065 people
Helped: 3065 people
Collected: 32 100 UAH

Eva Taranushenko successfully operated at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after MM Amosova (Kyiv).The operation lasted one hour, everything went smoothly. The open arterial duct is closed through vessels by the special device - an occluder-spiral. It was a gentle operation, the congenital heart defect was eliminated on the operating table. The girl has already been discharged home and will grow up healthy!
Dear Eva, thank the companies "Fora" , "Yagotynske for children" and Ufond readers for their help. Accept our gratitude, friends! We will definitely follow the fate of the girl.