
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Kristina Majdic

COLLECTED UAH 173,982. Fund Easy to help and customers of Privatbank, contributed UAH 173,982. OPERATED.

I found out during my pregnancy that I had a severe heart defect when I had an ultrasound. Immediately after giving birth, my daughter and I were transferred to the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after NM Amosova (Kyiv). Christina was examined, the diagnosis was confirmed. Doctors said that one of the most serious defects in the daughter - Fallot’s tetrad, will require several operations. First, a special ribbon (shunt) was installed. Later, the defect was corrected - all defects of the interventricular septum were surgically closed. The daughter’s condition stabilized. It seemed that all the fears and dangers were over. Christina went to kindergarten, played and ran along with everyone. But we regularly took our daughter to the cardiologist. After a recent examination, the doctor said that the daughter was developing stenosis (narrowing) of the pulmonary artery. If you do not intervene, the heart will begin irreversible processes, heart failure, arrhythmia. Stents should be urgently installed to dilate the artery. The operation will be performed on a quota basis, but the cost of stents is not covered by the quota. And for us it is an unbearable amount. There are two children in the family, Husband - does not have a permanent job, I am a music teacher, our salary with him is enough only for life. We cannot collect such a sum ourselves. Please help us!Marina Maidich , Transcarpathian region.
Head of the Department of Endovascular Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Diseases of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after NM Amosova Igor Ditkovsky (Kyiv):"7-year-old Kristinka Maidic was born with a severe congenital heart disease - multiple defects of the interventricular septum with high pulmonary hypertension. The girl underwent more than one operation. First, a ribbon was placed on the pulmonary artery to protect the lungs. Later, all defects of the interventricular septum were closed surgically using an artificial circulation device. At the same time, the ribbon was removed from the pulmonary artery. Unfortunately, the ribbon that once protected the lungs deformed the girl’s pulmonary artery with significant narrowing, which surgeons were unable to correct. Christina’s right ventricle works in overload mode, pumping blood into a narrowed pulmonary artery. A little more and he will be completely exhausted. Arrhythmia and heart failure will appear, and the baby will remain disabled forever. The girl needs urgent stenting of both pulmonary arteries. Unfortunately, the price of even one stent is not affordable for the baby’s parents. "

The stent system supplier issued an invoice for UAH 173,982 .

Dear friends! If you decide to help Kristina Maidic, don’t be embarrassed by the price of salvation. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. All the necessary details are in the Fund.
You can use our electronic payment system by making a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad, as well as take part in the action - Fill your heart with life! "

Responded (took details): 16 people
Helped: 16 people
Collected : 173 982 UAH

Kristina Majdic was successfully operated on at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N.M. Amosova (Kyiv). Christine underwent a third endovascular operation, stenting both branches of the pulmonary artery with two stent systems. Thanks to this operation, the girls completely eliminated a complex, congenital heart disease - Tetrad Fallot. According to cardiac surgeon Igor Ditkovsky, the operation went without complications. Heart rate is normal, blood circulation is restored. The postoperative period passed without complications, the girl is feeling well. Christina will grow and develop normally.
Dear Christina, thank the Simple Help Foundation , Privatbank’s clients and Ufond readers for their help.
Accept our gratitude friends! We will definitely follow the fate of the girl.