
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Martha Cold

Book of consolations

Heart, do not fail.

It happens: the disease lurks for a long time, does not reveal itself, and one day attacks, but with such force that it literally knocks you off your feet. This is the case of Zoya Potapenko. An energetic girl, a high school student, was fond of sports. One day in class, she suddenly lost consciousness. Trouble, anxiety, confusion. That same day, Zoe and her mother went to the doctor. The diagnosis is a heart defect. The situation is critical: Zoe needs surgery, but there is nothing to pay for it. Another crisis in the country keeps the family on the brink of survival. UFO Fund correspondent OLGA PETUKHOVA tells about Zoya Potapenko to Ukrainian headwear designer MARTE KHOLOD.

- There is an encouraging circumstance in this story: Ufond has opened a fundraiser for the operation for Zoe. We hope our readers will help her. And yet the patient’s recovery depends not only on external factors, but also on his own psychological state. Zoya by nature, it seemed to us, was a fighter. She dreams of making a career, getting not one, but several higher educations. How can she not lose heart, overcome the fear of disease and surgery?

- Now it is important that the girl thinks about the good, dreams of what she will do in the future. Well, if Zoe spends a lot of time with loved ones, they are our support. I believe that the capabilities of our body are fantastic. Among my acquaintances is a girl who was diagnosed with cancer in the past and was not allowed to give birth on medical grounds. But she was able to overcome everything, did not despair, lived with faith in the best, rejoiced every day. Now she is a healthy and beautiful woman, the mother of a four-year-old daughter. This is a miracle!

- Zoe is sixteen years old, she will soon finish school and enter adulthood. Tell me, Martha, what were you like at that age? What did you dream about?

- Zoya even looks a bit like me in my youth. The same dark hair, open look. At the age of sixteen, I already knew that my work would be related to fashion, I imagined showing my collections on the catwalk. In my dreams, this picture was so clear, and the desire and confidence so strong that, as you can see, it paid off. Of course, the realization of the plan required a lot of effort. After all, water does not flow under the lying stone.
- The state will not pay for Zoe’s operation. In Ukraine, several thousand children with heart disease are born every year, but only one in five children with this diagnosis is treated at the expense of the budget. How do you feel about the idea of ​​donating a tenth of your income to charity? Perhaps this ancient tradition has not only a deep symbolic but also a practical meaning? After all, in a society where everyone is ready to donate tithes, everyone has the right to count on help?

- I am very sorry that so many children need treatment, but do not receive it. It is a great fortune that many people learn about Zoya’s situation. I believe that the money will be collected and the girl will definitely succeed.

In my opinion, it is not the philosophy of tithing that is relevant to charity, but the philosophy of responsiveness. Anyone can help. It is possible to give one tenth of earnings and more, and it is possible and less. The main thing is that the desire to help was sincere. The universe will always reciprocate. Often what we give is returned by a new income or opportunity.

- Early diagnosis of diseases in our country is very poorly developed. So Zoya was diagnosed with an already running disease, but the girl had a heart defect from birth. Doctors constantly say that parents should insist on a comprehensive examination of the child. Cardiologists suggest referring all children to echocardiography. It would be great if such initiatives were taken not only by doctors, but also by people of other professions. Would you be involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle? Your work is very spectacular, you manage to turn ideas into images perfectly…

- Thank you for appreciating my work. We all come to life with a single mission: to change the world for the better. If we succeed, that’s fine.

I would be happy to support initiatives aimed at protecting health, as they aim to make the world a better place.

- Creativity, like a magic mirror, helps us to look inside ourselves, to understand the world more deeply. Each work is probably a revelation for the author himself. Our heroine Zoe will soon have to choose a profession. Do you have any advice for her? What is really important in creative life, in work?

- Creativity is really a reflection of yourself. I had a period when gloomy colors prevailed in my work - it was the crisis of 2008 and unrequited love. Now it’s a riot of colors and cute carefree hats that evoke positive emotions in others. And this corresponds to my inner state. The most important thing I have discovered for myself is that you need to listen to your heart. Yes! It is the heart that is the main advisor on any issue, whether it is choosing a life partner or work. What comes from the heart will always find a response from others. The most incredible hats I made with love wanted to wear. And those that I "calculated", hoping for commercial success, went unnoticed. It was a revelation for me, I stopped being afraid to realize what I really wanted. I wish Zoe a speedy recovery. Do not be afraid to believe in a dream, your heart will tell you the right way!