
2024 year: 2 000 297 ₴
13 years: 58 336 140 ₴

Milana Rodinchuk

Yet to raise
50 100грн
Milana is our fourth baby. The daughter was born prematurely, in the 6th month of pregnancy. Already from birth, the child was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect - an open ductus arteriosus. The doctors monitored Milana all year and said that if the hole does not close by itself, they will have to intervene surgically. In May of this year, my daughter turned one year old. After another scheduled examination, the doctors said that the hole in the duct had not closed, and we were sent to a specialized medical institution - the Amosov Institute.
Due to the enlargement of the opening, the specialists of the Institute advise the child to undergo an endovascular operation with the help of a special implant - a spiral occluder. Such an implant costs more than 50 thousand hryvnias. This operation will make it possible to completely correct the defect and avoid complications in the future life of Milana. I am raising 4 children on my own, since this year my wife and the children's mother died. It is difficult for me to raise such funds for my daughter's treatment, so I am asking for your help! Maxim Rodinchuk, Poltava.
Head of the Department of Endovascular Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Defects of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after M.M. Amosova Ihor Ditkovskiy (Kyiv): «In order to avoid the progression of complications, Milana Rodinchuk needs an operation - closing the open ductus arteriosus by the endovascular method with the help of a spiral occluder. After such an operation, the child will quickly recover and be healthy».

The occlude-spiral supplier issued an invoice for UAH 50 600

Dear friends! If you decide to help
Milana Rodinchuk, don’t be confused by the price of rescue. Any donation from you will be gratefully received. You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Ufund. All the necessary details are available in the fund and on the website. You can use our electronic payment system, make a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad using PayPal: ufondhelp@gmail.com. Also, transfer help to Milana’s using the peering payment system by transferring bitcoins to the Fund’s wallet: 1UFondJDKbYMgVhWsyijyvJoWEGWPggNp.