
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Nikita Stroev


The son was born prematurely, weighed only 1,850 grams, he had broken arms and legs - he received them in utero. We were urgently transferred from the maternity hospital to the children’s hospital in Kharkiv. There Nikita was diagnosed with "imperfect osteogenesis" - increased bone fragility. The doctors admitted that they could not help in the treatment of such a serious disease, and discharged us home. Soon my husband, Nikita’s father, left me, unable to cope with the burden of problems. By the year his son had suffered six fractures - he broke his arm, leg or collarbone with any awkward movement. In the year Nikita was put on the hood. I no longer knew what to do, who to ask for help! I was advised to contact the Global Medical Systems clinic in Moscow, which specializes in the treatment of "crystal" children such as my Nikita. It was a real salvation. Readers of the Ufond and Rusfund helped us pay for the first courses of treatment. Thank you all very much! Now fractures occur much less often, the son began to walk himself, is engaged in exercise, his muscles are stronger, he has grown noticeably. He reads, knows the score to fifty, is already learning English. We need to continue treatment. And I don’t have the funds for that. I hope for your support once again. Please help us!Inna Novikova, Kharkiv.
Pediatrician of the Department of Congenital Pathologies of the Global Medical Systems Clinic (GMS Clinic, Moscow) Fedor Katasonov:
“Against the background of treatment, Nikita’s bone density has increased. Now the boy needs to continue therapy that will normalize the boy’s condition. "

Responded (took details): 3 people Helped
: 3 people
Collected: 172,500 UAH

Nikita Stroeva continued treatment at the Center for Congenital Pathology of the Global Medical Systems Clinic (GMS Clinic, Moscow). The boy underwent a course of therapy with the drug pamidronate to strengthen bones and rehabilitation classes. Doctors hope that the treatment will help to restore bone density as much as possible.
Nikita’s mother Inna thanks readers and friends of Ufond for their help. Accept our gratitude, friends.