
2024 year: 2 000 297 ₴
13 years: 58 336 140 ₴

Report for 6 months of activity of the Ufond

In just half of 2023, the Ukrainian Aid Fund (Ufond) collected about UAH 2 300 000. We traveled more than 6 000 km on humanitarian and charity missions, from south to north, from the east to the central part of the country.

We met many Ukrainians whose destinies were changed forever by the war: brave volunteers, brave soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, faith-filled chaplains, desperate drivers and ordinary Ukrainians who are waiting and doing everything in their power for our military, for victory, for peace and safety of our children.

Each of us now has our own front of struggle. The Fund directed available resources to the following areas:

The main direction of the Fund is to help children.
Closing fees for the treatment and rescue of children with acquired and congenital health defects. Together with you, in 6 months of 2023, we helped 3 children.

Charity actions together with long-standing and reliable friends of the Foundation, the Fora network and other Ukrainian companies to save the hearts of soldiers and children. A total of 952 887 UAH was collected for 2 joint actions!

Humanitarian aid.
We went to the Kherson region during the flood and delivered 3 aid vehicles - that's 2 tons of water, 300 kg of animal feed, more than 100 kg of clothes and blankets, 800 kg of food products and several tens of kg of disinfectants and cleaning agents. Aid was sent to Mykolaiv Oblast and Kherson Oblast, totaling more than 4 000 food kits.
They helped IDPs in Kyiv and Poltava regions, provided families with milk from TM "Yagotynske", diapers, food products, and gifts for children. In total, about 2 000 people received such assistance.
We also provided food aid to the Military Rehabilitation Center, and donated bed linen, towels, and diapers to the Social Center for Elderly Care in the Odesa Region.

Helped children's institutions.
They visited orphanages and orphanages in Poltava, Chernihiv and Sumy regions. They delivered generators, clothes, shoes, televisions and computers, sports equipment, toys and food. Thanks to the permanent partners of the Ufund, the company "Agroprominjiniring" paid for fire protection in the Chereshensk Children's Lyceum Boarding School. Through partner charitable organizations, creative kits for children were handed over to Kramatorsk and Zaporizhzhia.

Medical assistance.
Thanks to the partners of the Ufond, companies and charitable organizations Savelivesinukraine, Eltechtrust, the charitable foundation of the youth initiative "Nadiya Fund", donated to medical institutions in Kharkiv, Dnipro and Kherson: generators, consumable medical materials, various antiseptic and hygienic products, as well as sports and rehabilitation equipment for the military rehabilitation center.

Assistance to the military.
Support for our brave military remains mandatory personal and partnership assistance. A thermal imager, first-aid kits, emergency shelters, a generator, a charging station, laptops, a printer and food products, we handed over all this and much more to our defenders. The total amount of aid to the military for six months was 560 340 UAH.

You can support the projects and activities of the Fund in any convenient way:

Main account of the Foundation:

All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization "Ukrainian Relief Fund".
USREOU code: 37241402
Current account: UA 923052990000026005046215095
MFO: 305299
Bank: PJSC "PrivatBank" Pechersk branch, Kyiv
Purpose of payment: charitable assistance

Electronic transfers -

Transfer aid through a peer-to-peer payment system by transferring bitcoins to the Fund’s wallet: 1UFondJDKbYMgVhWsyijyvJoWEGWPggNp

PayPal: ufondhelp@gmail.com

Thank you to everyone who supports us. More to come! Slava Ukraine!