
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Sasha Ostrovsky

The son was born prematurely, while in the maternity hospital he was diagnosed with a lesion of the central nervous system. Sasha grew weak, lagging behind in development. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy a year. I take care of my son’s health a lot, take him to specialized clinics, massage courses, classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist. Sasha’s condition has significantly improved after he underwent therapy at the International Rehabilitation Clinic. Vladimir Kozyavkin - his son learned to sit and stand on his own. It is necessary to continue treatment to achieve great results. But I can’t afford to pay for it, I’m raising my son alone, I can’t go to work, we live on two benefits - mine and Sashino’s, for disability. Help us, please!