
2024 year: 2 000 297 ₴
13 years: 58 336 140 ₴

She is Taran

122,050 hryvnias were collected. The metal structure-implant is paid. OPERATED.

She was born a healthy child, but with very little weight. Within 5 days, the child normalized his weight, and we were discharged home. Until the age of 1, Yana lived in a full-fledged family, but soon her father left the family and no longer takes any part in the child’s life. Since then, I have been raising my daughter alone.
She has been singing since the age of 4, she has participated in many festivals in Ukraine, where she took first place. However, the disease prevented her from doing her favorite work, and the child had to give up classes because her back pain did not allow her to perform on stage. When Jani was 10 years old, a pediatrician diagnosed her with right-sided scoliosis of the 4th degree at the next examination at the polyclinic. We started treatment.
The daughters were prescribed to wear a corset, but the back pain did not allow the child to sleep at night and the disease progressed further. We applied and went to various institutions and organizations for the restoration of the spine. The child performed a series of exercises that endured unbearable pain, but suffered because he hoped that this was the last hope for salvation. But the disease progressed even more and reached its peak - the rotation of the spine by 68 degrees. Doctors of the University Clinic of Kharkiv National Medical University said that only surgery with the installation of a metal structure could save Jan. The cost of only one implant design is over 120 thousand hryvnias. Unfortunately, I do not have such funds.
I raise and take care of the child myself, the child’s father does not take part in my daughter’s life at all, and my salary is enough only for what is necessary for life.
I see how my daughter suffers, how much pain she feels, and my heart breaks with grief. She is deprived of the opportunity to live a full, active life and be as happy as her peers.
It is getting harder every day for Jana to endure the pain. Wait, we don’t have time. Scoliosis will completely cripple her. I appeal to everyone who can help my daughter. Help please! Anna Revuk, Dnipro .
Dmytro Petrenko, Head of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, NUMK "University Clinic" of Kharkiv National Medical University (Kharkiv): "Spinal deformity detected at the age of 10 years is the most unfavorable for the patient, as it is characterized by rapid progression, which leads to dysfunction of the spinal cord, lungs and heart. This is exactly the case with Yana. The surgery we are going to perform will not only stop the progression of the disease, but also significantly correct the distortion, eliminate the cosmetic defect, which will have a beneficial effect on the functions of the whole organism and allow the child to lead a life like all her peers.

The supplier of the metal implant structure issued a bill for 122,050 hryvnias.

Dear friends! If you decide to help Yana Taran, do not be confused by the price of salvation. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. You can help by sending an SMSwith the word GOOD to the number ####. The cost of SMS messages is UAH 9. You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Fund. All the necessary details are in the Fund. You can also use our electronic payment system by making a donation from a credit card or electronic cash, including from abroad.

Responded (took details): 1 person
1 person
122 050 UAH

Yana Taran successfully operated at the University Clinic of the Kharkiv National Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology named after Professor MI Small.
The girl underwent correction of spinal curvature with the help of an implant, which allowed to completely correct the spinal deformity. After the rehabilitation period, Yana will return to her normal life, will study and enjoy life. A year later, no one will even see that the girl had surgery.
Yana’s mother, thank the Ufond partners for their help and saving
her daughter’s life! Accept our gratitude, friends! We are glad that we were able to help another child and will definitely follow the fate of the girl.