
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Sofia Kirilyuk

When we learned that I was pregnant with twins, our joy knew no bounds. But then everything turned around, as in a nightmare. Threat of miscarriage, two months in hospital on preservation, bleeding and urgent cesarean section. The children were born at 6.5 months. The son died a day later. My daughter survived, she was in intensive care for a long time. At four months she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Since then, we constantly visit specialized clinics. The child’s condition has significantly improved after undergoing the first course of therapy at the Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic. The daughter learned to get up and stand on her own. It is necessary to continue treatment to achieve great results. But in order to go for treatment, you need a lot of money, which, unfortunately, we do not have. We live on my doctor’s salary and child allowance. Please,