
2024 year: 2 000 297 ₴
13 years: 58 336 140 ₴

Veronica Batc 

COLLECTED 41 000 UAH. Readers and partners of the Ufоnd collected 41 000 UAH. OPERATED ON

Veronika was born a completely healthy child. The daughter developed normally, she did not suffer from any chronic diseases.
At the age of 3, during a routine ultrasound, doctors discovered a congenital heart defect in her daughter, and diagnosed her with an open ductus arteriosus. After an additional examination at the First Territorial Medical Association of Lviv, the diagnosis was confirmed. Specialists of the hospital recommended that we conduct Veronika’s operative treatment endovascularly, with the help of a special patch - a spiral occluder, as soon as possible. This operation must be done right now to avoid complications in the child’s heart in the future. The cost of the necessary device – an occluder – is high for me. In connection with the difficult financial situation and the lack of sources to pay for the cost of surgical treatment, I am asking all caring people to help and not stay away! Solomiya Bats, Lviv region.
Cardiovascular surgeon-surgeon of the First Territorial Medical Association of the city of Lviv Dmytro Besh: «Veronika has a congenital heart defect - an open ductus arteriosus. In order to avoid the progression of complications, the girl needs an operation - closing the heart defect by the endovascular method with the help of a spiral occluder. After the operation, the child will quickly recover, return to an active life and be healthy».

The occlude-spiral supplier issued an invoice for UAH
41 000

Dear friends! If you decide to help Batc Veronica, don’t be confused by the price of rescue. Any donation from you will be gratefully received. You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Ufund. All the necessary details are available in the fund and on the website. You can use our electronic payment system, make a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad using PayPal: ufondhelp@gmail.com. Also, transfer help to Veronica’s using the peering payment system by transferring bitcoins to the Fund’s wallet: 1UFondJDKbYMgVhWsyijyvJoWEGWPggNp.

Veronica Bats was successfully operated on at the First Territorial Medical Association of Lvov. The patent ductus arteriosus was closed endovascularly using a special device - a spiral occluder. An hour after the operation, the girl was in the ward with her mother. The functioning of the heart and circulatory system was restored. Veronica feels well and is already at home.
The girl’s mother is grateful to the readers and benefactors of the Ufоnd for their help. Please accept our gratitude, friends! We will definitely monitor the fate of the girl.