
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Veronica Makovskaya

Dear friends!
Fundraising for the treatment of Veronica Makovskaya -closed. The necessary equipment and operation were paid for by another Foundation. If there are no objections, the funds raised will be transferred to the treatment of other Ufond wards under the Ufond.Serdtse program.

Veronica was born a healthy child. My daughter grew and developed very well and quickly. At the age of three months, during a routine examination, doctors discovered that Veronica had a congenital heart defect - an open ductus arteriosus and an open oval window. They said not to worry, because up to a year everything can be delayed, you just need to protect the child from viral diseases. Four months later, a routine ultrasound showed that the oval window had tightened itself, but there was no open ductus arteriosus. The chances that the hole would close on its own still remained. But hopes did not come true. An annual survey showed that the size of the open duct is increasing. Doctors noted that the hole should be closed, otherwise Veronica may have serious health complications. Doctors recommended closing the ductus arteriosus, performing surgery on the heart by endovascular method, using an occluder. After closing the daughter will be able to live a healthy and full life. The operation will be carried out according to the state quota, but an expensive occluder, we need to pay for it ourselves. At the moment I am on maternity leave, and Veronica’s father does not have a permanent job, so we can not afford to pay for expensive equipment. We ask for your help!Anastasia Makovskaya Odessa region.
Head of the Department of Endovascular Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Diseases of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after NM Amosova Igor Ditkovsky (Kiev): “Veronica has a congenital heart defect. Given the topic of the defect and the general condition of the girl, she needs to perform endovascular closure of the open duct with a special spiral - occluder. This will stop the development of dangerous complications. The girl will be healthy. "

The supplier of the occluder issued an invoice for UAH 82,604.

Dear friends! If you decide to help Veronica Makovskaya, don’t be embarrassed by the price of salvation. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. All the necessary details are in the Fund. You can use ourselectronic payment system , making a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad.