
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Vladislav Fedorov

COLLECTED UAH 34,240. Fora Company, Agusha Ukraine TM and Ufond readers raised UAH 34,240. Occluder paid. OPERATED.

Vladislav was born on time as a healthy child. He grew and developed according to his age, his son did not have any health problems. In September 2018, Vlad was sent to kindergarten, to a nursery group, where he began to get sick often. At the reception at the cardiologist, Vladik heard heart murmurs. We were sent for a full examination to the Khmelnytsky Regional Hospital. According to the results of the examination, the child was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease - an open arterial duct. Cardiologists recommended surgery to close the ductus artery in a gentle way, using a spiral occluder. But in Khmelnytsky, such operations are not done. So we were sent to Kyiv - to the Heart Institute, which we visited on November 22. Additional examination and consultation revealed that the Bishop had dilatation of the left ventricular cavity, in connection with which, doctors insist on closing the open arterial duct by endovascular route in the near future. The operation will be performed free of charge, but we need to pay for the necessary implant ourselves. We are raising a son together with my husband, our income is small, so we have to ask for your help.Larisa Fedorova, Khmelnytsky.
Andrei Khokhlov (Kyiv), head of the endovascular surgery department at the Heart Institute: “Vladislav has a congenital heart defect - an open arterial duct. There is a risk of severe complications, urgent surgery is needed, the safest for the boy. We will conduct it endovascularly, we will close a channel with an occluder-spiral. After the operation, the boy will be healthy. "

The supplier of the occluder issued an invoice for UAH 34,240.

Dear friends! If you decide to help Vladislav Fedorov, do not be embarrassed by the price of salvation. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. All the necessary details are in the Fund. You can use our electronic payment system, making a donation with a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad.

Responded (took details): 1 23 people
Helped: 1 23 people
Collected: 34 240 UAH


Vladislav Fedorov successfully operated at the Kiev Heart Institute.
The open ductus arteriosus is closed through the vessels by a special device - a spiral occluder. It was a sparing operation, congenital heart disease was eliminated on the operating table. The boy has already been discharged home and will grow up healthy!
Vlad’s parents thank Fora,
Agusha Ukraine and Ufond readers for their help. Accept our gratitude friends! We will definitely follow the fate of the boy .