
2024 year: 926 146 ₴
13 years: 57 261 989 ₴

Vladislav Vorona

According to the preoperative examination of Vladislava, the open ductus arteriosus was delayed on its own. Therefore, surgery to remove a congenital heart defect is not required. If you do not object, the funds raised for Vladislava Vorona will be transferred to the treatment of another child, a ward of the Ufond under the Ufond.Serce program and the Fill the Heart of Life campaign - Darina Dmyshko , who is also shown endovascular surgery using an occluder.

82,604 hryvnias were collected. The Easy Help Charitable Foundation, PrivatBank clients and Ufond readers raised UAH 82,604.

Vladislava was born a completely healthy child. My daughter developed normally. She did not suffer from any chronic diseases. At the age of two, we took my daughter to kindergarten, which she attended with great pleasure.
After six months of attending kindergarten, my daughter became constantly ill with respiratory infections. Moreover, it was necessary to be cured of one infection, the child immediately fell ill again.
During the summer holidays, we decided to undergo a complete examination of the child, during which the authorities found a congenital heart defect - an open ductus arteriosus. According to doctors, this disease manifested itself with the active growth of the child and in increasing the size of the daughter’s heart, and is the cause of persistent viral diseases and shortness of breath. Doctors of the Amosov Institute recommended that we pick up the child from kindergarten, and in the shortest possible time to carry out surgical treatment endovascularly, using a special patch - occluder. Its cost is great for our family. Only Vladislava’s father works for us. I do not work because I am at home with my daughter. The family has an older daughter, Darina. In this regard, we really need help for surgical treatment of Vladislav. Help please! Eugene Crow, Kramatorsk.
Head of the Department of Endovascular Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Heart Defects of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after MM Amosova Ihor Ditkovsky (Kyiv): “To avoid the progression of complications that have already begun to develop, Vladislav needs to undergo a gentle operation - closing the heart defect endovascularly with the help of an occluder. After the operation, the child will recover quickly, return to active life and be healthy.

The occluder supplier issued an invoice for UAH 82,604.

Dear friends! If you decide to help
Vladislav Vorona, don’t be embarrassed by the price of salvation. Any of your donations will be gratefully accepted. Money can be transferred by sending an SMS with the word GOOD to the number ####. The cost of an SMS-messages 9 hryvnias . You can send a donation by bank transfer to the Fund. All the necessary details are in the fund and on the website. You can use our electronic payment system by making a donation from a bank card or electronic cash, including from abroad. Take part in the action - Fill your heart with life! . Also , transfer aid to the Government through a peer-to -peer payment system by transferring bitcoins to the Fund ’s wallet : 1UFondJDKbYMgVhWsyijyvJoWEGWPggNp .

Responded (took details): 79 people Helped: 79 people Collected: UAH 82,604 Quarantine , which arrived in Ukraine last year, significantly affected the labor market. And if some employees were laid off en masse, in other areas there was a shortage of staff. Thus, during the quarantine the demand for doctors and medical workers increased greatly. We tell who they were looking for during the pandemic and how much they are willing to pay. There are twice as many vacancies as there are specialists In Ukraine, the shortage of staff in many areas is becoming more noticeable, and the number of vacancies far exceeds the number of job seekers.